
Humans and Religion



Humanity is the need of the hour and correct interpretation of religion is the key to it. Religion is the pathway to God they say, as if it was God who himself brought about the division amongst those who he created. Religion is not wrong, nor is it the core reason behind all the menace that the world is getting strangled on. It is the human mind which is, like always is the key cause behind its own destruction.

You must be thinking how could I say this with so much of confidence? Well, enlightenment didn’t dawn on me nor was I bestowed with intellectual thoughts by a legendary person. Do the math, it’s a simple logic. It is something which you also can think of, if you manage to free yourself from the bonds of a religion.

Religion is a set of rules made by wise minds who existed ages back. It was meant to put a leash on the barbaric deeds of the stone-age man and so was reasonably of the utmost importance in that period. It managed to control those relentless humans to a great extend because it instilled the fear of God as the ultimate retribution if there was a breach in the rules of a religion.

But things went on to become worse when humans started to cling on to their religion to draft an identity for themselves. It turned into a property which was claimed by its followers and then just like all humans do, people back then began to claim their religions supremacy over other religions.


There has never been an end to it and there seems to be no end to this, unless and until we humans understand that it is futile in inflicting any kind of supremacy over each other. Till the time this mindset doesn’t change, this world is never going to witness peace.

Extremism and hatred is always going to linger around, as no one has ever taught us to live together in harmony. Wars are going to continue as no one has ever feed our minds with one single bit of knowledge that we all are humans and we all are the same.

Human mind is complex in nature and that is the root to all the problems revolving around us. Our over-thinking and our over-reactions to any and every minor problem is driving us closer and closer to our own annihilation. We have become our own enemy and have lost trust in ourselves.


We prefer to seek the pleasures of friendship in animals and lay our blinded trust over them rather than humans of other religions. This is us and this is how we are. And till the time we remain the same, we are going to suffer. Pain and anguish is never going to end unless and until we don’t find a way to end it.

But the end doesn’t mean annihilation of any extremist group acting like missionaries. End doesn’t mean stopping politicians from using religion as their vote bank tool. End doesn’t mean writing off religious beliefs and becoming atheists. End means bringing out a change. It means a revolution. It means doing something that no one has ever been able to do.


And this end to all the misery in this world can only be gained if we understand the importance of humanity. This end can only be achieved if we consider humanity as our prime identity and religion as just a mere set of rules guiding us to live our individual lives in the most peaceful way. End can only be attained if there is no more a sense of competition left amongst us and there persists only a desire to live with peace and harmony.

Religion is not the exact driving force behind all the wretchedness that dwells in the world. Human mind is the one that plays a pivotal role in it, because no religious book has ever taught anyone to affront or disgrace other religions. The radical extremist groups who kill and slaughter to massacre the humanity are the ones who impose their wishes onto the humanity in the name of religion.


It is because of these people that the new age thinkers are choosing to drift away from the path of religion. They are unable to find the golden virtues of it because of the barriers that impede them to attain what they are destined to gain. Although their thoughts are incorrect, they cannot be blamed for it as the pseudo religious devotion of the extremists has shaped them to become what they are.

This phenomenon must be corrected. It must be changed or else we will have a whole generation of vengeance struck people holding a torch of atheism, ready to walk over and destroy all the religions and submerge its virtues to the depths of the oceans without knowing the values of it.

This whole deed then shall be result of false and erroneous interpretation of religion. To save the world from such a catastrophic consequence and to make up for all the damage that has been done over the span of ages, there is a need to make the people aware about the true meaning of religion.

It is the time that we spread the correct meaning of religion and abolish wrong beliefs that are inculcated in our minds. The time when we would reach this salvation and rejuvenate our thoughts, that time we would learn the right way of living. That is the time when finally the motto of global peace would be achieved. That is the time when God will smile down upon us to say loud and confident, they are humans and they are my best creations ever.


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