Benefits of using PPC
It give quick result
It is the paid strategies to promote our website and it is very targeted advertising. It can increase and enhance brand awareness and help in generating online leads and increase sales.
It is measurable
SEM has a testing phase where Ads and keywords are refined and tested to maximize the impact of SEM Campaign
Monitor ROI
In PPC, We can easily change our target audience and location. We regularly monitored SEM Campaigns and refined it on monthly bases to ensure our client getting the best possible ROI.
SEM Process & Strategy
We help startups, corporate or any companies make more money through creative search engine marketing.
Set up SEM Campaign
Define campaign goals
Create conversion tracking in Google Analytics
Target demographic potential customer
Drive targeted traffic to website at lowest CPC
Research low cost, high converting keywords.
Set budgets, manage PPC, Keyword bids etc.
A/B testing is the process of comparing two versions of a web page, email ,campaign or other marketing asset with just one varying element.
Set up campaign conversion and revenue tracking in Google Analytics as well as other tools to get real time data for optimization.