You most likely have heard of acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment. It involves placing needles throughout the body’s meridians to manage pain and other chronic diseases. But have you heard about electroacupuncture?
Electroacupuncture is similar to traditional acupuncture. But instead of using needles, it includes electrical stimulation to deliver a mild pulse. This pulse stimulates the body and specific areas.
The Meridian Care and Health Care Centre offers effective and affordable electroacupuncture in Mumbai. Dr. Siddique Shaikh, one of the leading acupuncturist in Mumbai, is adept in performing standard acupuncture, facial acupuncture, cupping therapy, etc. Moreover, Dr. Siddique Shaikh practices at the Meridian Care and Health Care Centres, renowned acupuncture clinics in Mumbai Central.
Please continue reading to find out more about electroacupuncture, its procedure, benefits, and more.
First, let’s know,
What is Electroacupuncture?
Physiotherapy is a rehabilitation study that tries to help people who have been injured, ill, or disabled regain their mobility and function.
When it comes to sports injury recovery, we play a crucial role by providing comprehensive sports physiotherapy in Mumbai.
After an injury, most athletes are advised to engage in a physiotherapy program to aid in their recovery. At our clinic, we also provide education and counseling on health promotion, illness prevention, and injury prevention.
Physiotherapy helps with a variety of sports injuries. From ligament sprains to muscle sprains, fractures, and dislocations, it is all about the professional treatment and being guided through every step of the process.
What types of injuries does a sports physiotherapist treat?
Our sports physiotherapy doctor in Mumbai will treat injuries sustained while participating in almost any athletic activity – regardless of intensity – that is painful or debilitating enough to take you out of the game for a while.
We provide sports physiotherapy in Mumbai for the following injuries
- Backache/tension in the lower back
- Meniscus tears
- ACL or knee ligament sprains
- Shoulder/rotator cuff injury
- Any sprains or strains in other parts of the body
- Sprains and instability of the ankle
- Groin strain
- Tennis elbow
- Golfer’s elbow
Our sports physiotherapy doctor in Mumbai will help by
What are the vital goals of physiotherapy and rehabilitation in sports injury?
The purpose of our clinic for sports physiotherapy in Mumbai is to improve your daily comfort by using the following methods to provide rehabilitation, pain management, and non-invasive treatments: