
Sharing is really caring

The winter breeze was cool. The sun setting and the grass still fresh. It was a perfect time to sit in the park and munch on hot French fries. Alka looked at her son lovingly whose eyes had grown big looking at the large pack of hot French fries that she had got for him before picking him from the day care. They both sat in the park to have some mini family time.

As Rohan tore open the packet and started munching on the fries a little boy, as old as him came near the mother and son duo. Dressed in rags and dirty, he was a homeless boy. Looking at the hot fries he couldn’t keep the urge to ask for one.

He came close to Rohan and looked at him blank. As young as 4, the little boy didn’t know how to ask for things. All he could do was stare back with eyes that asked for some food. Rohan smiled at him and offered him the fries. A smile broke out on the young lad’s face. The twinkle in his eyes was innocent.

The glee on his face was priceless. He truly didn’t expect this gesture. He started to walk upto Rohan and that’s when Alka yelled. “Rohan! What are you doing? You are giving your fries to him?” Before little Rohan could react, Alka yelled at the kid and made him run away.

Rohan was baffled and hurt by his mother’s act. Sad and sulking he sat and slowly munched on his fries. After a few minutes the duo was joined by Rohan’s classmate Ayush and his mother. Alka exchanged greetings with her and settled down. Ayush’s eyes fell on the pack of fries and he tried to grab a few, but that’s when Rohan snatched it away.

Shocked to see her son’s reaction Alka gasped and yelled at him. “ROHAN! What are you doing?” Rohan stared at her. Ayush was petrified by now and his mom who was upset with Rohan’s reaction was happy with Alka’s yelling. Alka shouted again, “Rohan. Didn’t I teach you sharing is caring?”

Rohan kept looking at her for a while and then slowly said. “But mom you only stopped me from sharing a while ago…” Ashamed and embarrassed, Alka stayed quiet. Ayush and his mom were clueless. Alka looked up to her son. She then looked around.

The homeless boy was still around the corner, looking at the entire scene. Alka looked at him. Their eyes met. She slowly gestured at him to come near her. Slowly, watching every step he came close. Alka reached into the pack of fries, removed a handful of them and offered it to the boy.

The homeless boy started at her and then at Rohan. Shocked at the change he didn’t attempt to take. Alka smiled a little. He was a little boy after all. She smiled more and said, “Come here. Have this” the boy looked at Rohan who too was smiling with glee now. The little twinkle returned and the kid had the first, delicious French fry of his life…

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